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Best Con – Leak Plug

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  • Best Con – Leak Plug



    Gray cementations Alloy is mainly composed of Silicon Dioxide, Aluminum oxide, Magnesium Sulfite, Maganese Tetraoxide, Sulfar Trioxide, copper sulfoaluminates, copper sulfite, copper metaborate, catalyst, auto catalyst and many more etc. Excellently effective to stop running water from leakages, cracks, honey combs, pre-constructed faulty basement; sets within 1.5-3 minutes through polymerization and alloy forming processes joining with the previously casted concrete as a single much of high strength like concrete.

    Gray Cementitious Alloy is excellently effective in stopping running water from leaks, cracks, honey-combs, etc. at per-constructed faulty basements, water tanks, and similar structures. It sets instantly (1.5 to 3 minutes) to stop running water through polymerization and alloy forming processes joining with the previously cast concrete as a single mass and after 7 days or more achieves high strength like concrete. Paste of Gray Cementitious Alloy can be used for any concrete repair including water retaining structures and other places. It gives monolithic action without shrinkage where expanded concrete is needed.

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